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"Cleopatra Boy" Preview at Test Flight - Cleveland Public Theatre

Cleopatra Boy

Conceived & Directed by Sherrine Azab & Jake Hooker with A Host of People

Inspired by the life, history, and legacy of Cleopatra, Cleopatra Boy is part pageant, part courtroom drama, and part lavish spectacle. The audience shape-shifts from spectator, to community member, to witness, as we collectively address the injustice of losing control of our own narratives in order to rethink and remake history.

Performers: Aja Salakastar Dier, Torri Lynn Frances, Chris Jakob, Costa Kazaleh-Sirdenis, Eleni Theodora Zaharopoulos
Lighting Designer: Chantel Gaidica
Costume & Scenic Designer: Dorothy Melander-Dayton
Projection Designer: Jake Hooker
Dance Director: Maddy Rager
Contributing Writer: Kamelya Omayma Youssef
Pictured: Work-in-progress performance at Fury Factory Festival (San Francisco). Photo by Sherrine Azab.

A Host of People (AHOP) is a Detroit-based ensemble theatre company creating original work that celebrates complexity, imagination, and the synthesis of seemingly disparate elements—at once epic and intimate, political and personal, poetic and approachable. The ensemble creates aesthetically rigorous, intellectually challenging theatre that is also warm, welcoming, and inspiring to people from all walks of life. AHOP chooses their subject matter and themes very carefully with an eye to stories, topics, and aesthetic approaches that will be equally thrilling to the most adventurous theatre fans, as well as those with less exposure to the form. The company invites audiences into their art as they would guests into their home, whether it is in their house, on the street, in a garden, or in a theatre.

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